Last night I accidentally overcooked some pork. It was dry and tough. I'm sure you've been in this situation. We all have. Meat is such that you get sick of you...
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
The Fast & Easy Way to Fix Overcooked Meat
Monday, January 30, 2017
Lets Talk about Guitars and Humbuckers
I realized today that I don't talk enough about the music, and let's face it - the music industry is what has afforded me the ability to live the Red Carpet...
Saturday, January 28, 2017
A Woman's Perspective: Are Some Relationships Better Left as a Memory?
By Cheo Somischack I couldn’t take the discussions with my girlfriends anymore. I couldn’t take talking about being angry, and getting bitter about...
Friday, January 27, 2017
Are Turmeric Capsules Worth It?
Let's take a look in this video to see what Turmeric capsules are and how to use them, which will help you decide if it is worth taking or not. Personally, I am a...
Thursday, January 26, 2017
Is Reality TV Real or Fake?
by Mary Thompson Reality or Simply a Perception Don’t go down the rabbit hole. You could fall in! “In Wonderland, they lie. Dreaming as the...
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
"Ya me han informado que tu novio es un insípido aburrido"
"Ya me han informado que tu novio es un insípido aburrido"
"Ya me han informado que tu novio es un insípido aburrido"
"Ya me han informado que tu novio es un insípido aburrido";
How to Make Sun Dried Tofu Bake in a NuWave Oven
Get a NuWave Oven Pro @ Get Sun Dried Tomatoes @ Get Fun Recipes @
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Millennials need to learn that @Drake isn't romantic music. #advice get some Sisqo on yr phone so ur not embarrassed around grown men ;)
P90X Alternative Schedule - P90X the Easy Way
Everyone that has tried P90X knows that eventually you get so annoyed with how long and boring some of the workouts are that you want to start yelling at the screen...
Don't Get Sick This Winter Awards Season - This fun drink will cure what ails you!
Fancy Kentucky Bourbon is not just a nightcap after a hard day. You can actually start your day with it ;). Yes, I said it! It's winter, and it's awards season, and...
ECCF Stack is the new ECA Stack for Weight Loss - aka How To Lose Fat in 7 Days
As you know, it's the middle of awards season - where basically everyone in the entertainment industry has to rapidly shed the holiday fat. No joke, Hollywood has...
Monday, January 23, 2017
DIY Homemade Yogurt - How To Make Your Own Yogurt
Get a Yogurt Maker at Get Fun Recipes @ Subscribe Here! & follow
Predictions: What's Hot @ Fashion Week 2017!
By Cheo Somsichack New York City Fall Fashion Week February 9-17, 2017 “Great people do things before they are ready...” The big four...New York,...
Sunday, January 22, 2017
2017 Guide to Dating Apps
By Maycee Nordine Dating apps are the new wave technology that let us hide behind our screens while claiming to “meet new people” every 30 seconds. That...
Saturday, January 21, 2017
Hey all! Make sure you check out @thezoerenee on The Quad @BET #Atlanta #thequadbet
Hey all! Make sure you check out @thezoerenee on The Quad @BET #Atlanta #thequadbet;
Friday, January 20, 2017
Partiers @ #Sundance2017 - The TIDAL & Vulture party is 11:PM 2night! Stream the new album on Tidal …
Partiers @ #Sundance2017 - The TIDAL & Vulture party is 11:PM 2night! Stream the new album on Tidal …;
Partiers @ #Sundance2017 - The TIDAL & Vulture party is 11:PM 2night! Stream the new album on Tidal all night! h
Partiers @ #Sundance2017 - The TIDAL & Vulture party is 11:PM 2night! Stream the new album on Tidal; all night! h
The Ultimate Winter Skin Survival Guide
By Mary Thompson Normally, we tend to associate winter with sparkly lights, cold crisp nights, happy get-togethers with family and friends. What doesn’t dawn...
Thursday, January 19, 2017
It's Party Time at #Sundance2017 #sundance - just a couple of hours til all goes wild!
It's Party Time at #Sundance2017; #sundance - just a couple of hours til all goes wild!
Party Time at #Sundance2017
Just a couple hours until Kick-off time - when Sundance gets super fun! Not that watching a bunch of films and schmoozing with stars and producers isn't fun, but...
Red Carpet Spotlight: Independent Country Music Hall of Fame Inductee Richard Lynch
Today we spotlight Independent Country Music Hall of Fame Inductee: Richard Lynch - Richard Lynch has some exciting things going on right now, press play and listen...
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
Red Carpet Spotlight: Ed Roman
Singer/Songwriter Ed Roman gives us the inside scoop on the Canadian Music Scene (and Winter), Fun in Jamaica, Charity and More!
Monday, January 16, 2017
. | Anand Bhatt News
Sunday, January 15, 2017
3 Movies to Watch on Marting Luther King Jr. Day #blm #mlk via @SkyrockOfficiel
3 Movies to Watch on Marting Luther King Jr. Day; #blm #mlk via @SkyrockOfficiel
3 Movies to Watch on #MLK Marting Luther King Jr. Day
The racial divide in America hasn't been this bad since the Rodney King era, but it doesn't need to be. The power of movies/tv is their ability to provide both...
Saturday, January 14, 2017
Hollywood Reboots - Movie Remakes or Overkills?
By Mary Thompson Remakes or Overkills? The melody of piano keys fill the air when this familiar phrase is uttered, “Play it again Sam. Play as Time Goes...
Friday, January 13, 2017
Are Natural Beauty Products Worth It? Which ones to choose?
By Mary Thompson The popularity of natural beauty products has really taken the world by storm. These days it’s hard to find a product that doesn’t...
Thursday, January 12, 2017
Red Carpet Spotlight: Mark Steines Gets to be the Guest!
Awww yeah! Got to talk to Entertainment Tonight / Home & Family host Mark Steines today in a stellar interview! Mark talks about Entertainment Tonight, The Rose...
Keep checking/follow the Anand Bhatt #spotify channel to hear a great conversation I just had with @MarkSteines ( #entertainmenttonight #homeandfamily #hallmarkchannel ) #interview Anand Bhatt News
Keep checking/follow the Anand Bhatt #spotify channel to hear a great conversation I just had with @MarkSteines ( #…
Keep checking/follow the Anand Bhatt #spotify channel to hear a great conversation I just had with @MarkSteines ( #…
Keep checking/follow the Anand Bhatt #spotify channel to hear a great conversation I just had with @MarkSteines ( #entertainmenttonight
Keep checking/follow the Anand Bhatt #spotify channel to hear a great conversation I just had with @MarkSteines ( #entertainmenttonight