Reviewing the @OfficialBCRich Mockingbird! Check it out!;
Friday, March 31, 2017
Reviewing the B.C. Rich Mockingbird
Fair Warning: This is a guitar post - and yes that was a Van Halen joke ;) so you can see where we're about to go with this. After Danca Kizomba came out this week...
Tried doing my own #Tarot reading! How Fun! ANYONE KNOW WHAT THESE MEAN?? #tarotcards #tarotreading #tarotreader #…
Tried doing my own #Tarot reading! How Fun! ANYONE KNOW WHAT THESE MEAN?? #tarotcards #tarotreading #tarotreader #…;
How To Make Hot Sauce at Home - DIY Healthy Spicy Hot Sauce
Awwwww yeah! While I of course prefer you grab your hot sauces at the Store (like from here: - sometimes we...
"Just you and me, Forget about the rest ..." #kizomba
"Just you and me, Forget about the rest ..." #kizomba;
Thursday, March 30, 2017
That's right! I've got @sisqo on VINYL! #tbt #music #thong #song #rnb #soul #dance #dragon Anand Bhatt News
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
"and I Don't Need Your Phone Number ..." Anand Bhatt News
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
4 Truths That Will Set You Free
So here are 4 facts/truths that even the most advanced physicists, neuroscientists and philosophers tend to forget. Actually 3 truths + 1 conclusion based on...
Monday, March 27, 2017
Too Good to Be True Weight Loss Miracles? Let's Bust Em!
Is This a Weight Loss Miracle or a Get Rich Quick Scheme? By Mary Thompson - Just because it’s rubber stamped with the words “health” and...
Sunday, March 26, 2017
Saturday, March 25, 2017
Easy Frittata Recipe using a Nuwave Oven
Want an Oven? Get a NuWave Oven at Get Fun Recipes @
When is Casual Just Too Much?
By Mary Thompson - Dressing for the interview and sticking with it. That's a phrase which in a perfect world should not even have to be emphasized. It's only...
Friday, March 24, 2017
This blue yeti microphone has the coolest name! Let's see if I can use it to record vox on…
This; blue yeti microphone has the coolest name! Let's see if I can use it to record vox on…;
WOW, U.S. House in recess. If they postpone, all that drama was for nothing! But LOL to the reps that were only trying to get camera time!
WOW, U.S. House in recess. If they postpone, all that drama was for nothing! But LOL to the reps that were only trying to get camera time!
Thursday, March 23, 2017
Hollywood’s New Standards of Beauty
By Mary Thompson - A disorder Hollywood's current fashion statement. It's impossible to watch television or walk through any shop without witnessing the next...
Which Beauty Products are Actually Worth Paying For?
By Mary Thompson - It’s no secret that high-quality ingredients may cost a pretty penny. While those with basic components readily found not only in...
Are Discount Beauty Items Too Good To Be True?
By Mary Thompson - The shops are closing their doors and internet retailers are reaping the rewards. It seems that every day the next craze is taking over the...
Skin Care Tips for When You're Just Too Busy
By Mary Thompson - Quick fixes when you don't have a lot of time to do much of anything when it comes to a beauty routine is a market that seems to have really...
Monday, March 20, 2017
Take that #Monday ! Anand Bhatt News
Shortcuts to Great Skin
By Mary Thompson - An emphasis upon the importance of skin care is far from a craze that has just recently taken over the runways as well as cosmetic promotions that...
Thursday, March 16, 2017
What's cool about this #tbt childhood pic is so many of us still know each other! Anand Bhatt News
What's cool about this #tbt childhood pic is so many of us still know each other! #ab
What's cool about this #tbt childhood pic is so many of us still know each other! #ab PIC
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
Should TV Spinoffs Quit While They're Ahead?
By Mary Thompson Trying to determine when a popular television series has reached the peak of its success is difficult to pin point. Nothing lasts forever and...
Monday, March 13, 2017
Hahaa Yeah! Now THAT's a throwback! Looks like a mouse ate part of the photo though. Anand Bhatt News
Hahaa Yeah! Now THAT's a throwback! Looks like a mouse ate part of the photo though. #ab
Hahaa Yeah! Now THAT's a throwback! Looks like a mouse ate part of the photo though. #ab PIC
Sunday, March 12, 2017
Why We Celebrate Holi
For those that don't have a lot of Indian, S. Asian, Caribbean or S. American friends to tell you what's going on, you may be asking - why is everyone partying and...
Saturday, March 11, 2017
Here's a fun recipe from Rock Star Recipes you might dig! CAULIFLOWER-CRUST PIZZA Ingredients 1 standard size bag of Steamable Microwave Cauliflower 1 Egg...
Friday, March 10, 2017
Is Micro-Needling Worth It?
I just got back home from a long and amazing awards seasons! Oscars weekend was so much fun. However, awards season can take its toll on even the most cared for...
Because everyone wants some Things to Do with Hot Sauce during #ReadAnEbookWeek :)
Because everyone wants some Things to Do with Hot Sauce during #ReadAnEbookWeek :);
Thursday, March 9, 2017
Is Hollywood in the Midst of a Ratings Scandal?
By Mary Thompson Has Hollywood taken the need for high ratings a bit too far? The rise and fall of ratings can make or break a program’s success within...
A fun #tbt interview for #ReadAnEbookWeek - Have U tried a Rock Star Recipe yet?
A fun #tbt interview for #ReadAnEbookWeek - Have U tried a Rock Star Recipe yet?;;
Wednesday, March 8, 2017
Spotlight: Triangle Direct Media
Today's Spotlight is about an interesting media marketing company whose tag line is "Giving Back and Making a Difference." Their name is Triangle Direct Media . ...
Enjoy "Indian Folk Stories" this week and celebrate #ReadAnEbookWeek
Enjoy "Indian Folk Stories" this week and celebrate #ReadAnEbookWeek;
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
"Achieving Your Dreams" on SALE 99cents this week @BNBuzz 4 #ReadAnEbookWeek ! … …
"Achieving Your Dreams" on SALE 99cents this week @BNBuzz 4 #ReadAnEbookWeek !; …
Monday, March 6, 2017
Rain Gear - it’s the New Sexy!
April Showers Fashion by Mary Thompson “Rainy days and Mondays always get me down,” These famous lyrics of a popular Carpenters song paint a picture of...
Happy #ReadAnEbookWeek ! Hope u start yours off with some Rock Star Recipes :) Anand Bhatt News
Happy #ReadAnEbookWeek ! Hope u start yours off with some Rock Star Recipes :) #ab
Happy #ReadAnEbookWeek ! Hope u start yours off with some Rock Star Recipes :); #ab PIC
Sunday, March 5, 2017
Spring Break Beauty
By Mary Thompson The Best Things Come in Tiny Packages Little things can make a big difference? However, that’s impossible. What’s the catch? ...
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
#PoolTable Giving a shot out to the guys from #OzoneBilliards - not that I play all too well, but a fun meeting ov…
#PoolTable Giving a shot out to the guys from #OzoneBilliards - not that I play all too well, but a fun meeting ov…;
Is This Hollywood? Or a Political Rally?
By Mary Thompson Apparently, all the gloves are off. The 2016 US Presidential election really showed the ugly face of politics. Gone were the days of anything...