Saturday, November 7, 2020
The Silliest 80s Band Names --- CLICK BELOW TO SEE (with popups) OR get ad-Free access at http://smarturl.it/withoutads

Saturday, October 24, 2020
Hot Gift Ideas for Women! --- CLICK BELOW TO SEE (with popups) OR get ad-Free access at http://smarturl.it/withoutads
NOTE: TO SEE A MORE EXTENSIVE VERSION OF THIS ARTICLE WITH IMAGES - GO HERE! www.smarturl.it/redcarpetblog LOL, ok there really was no way to title this...

Friday, October 23, 2020
The Kids Ages 10+ Gift Guide --- CLICK BELOW TO SEE (with popups) OR get ad-Free access at http://smarturl.it/withoutads
NOTE: TO SEE A MORE EXTENSIVE VERSION OF THIS ARTICLE WITH IMAGES - GO HERE! www.smarturl.it/redcarpetblog This one is for the "kids!" I have kids in quotes...

Thursday, October 22, 2020
It's OK if You Pee When You Laugh - But This Might Stop It --- CLICK BELOW TO SEE (with popups) OR get ad-Free access at http://smarturl.it/withoutads
Yeah, it's a thing. If you haven't experienced it yet, it's because you're all of 21 years old or something. It is mostly a female thing. It happens to...

Tuesday, October 13, 2020
The 2020 Men's Shaving Gift Guide --- CLICK BELOW TO SEE (with popups) OR get ad-Free access at http://smarturl.it/withoutads
It's the Men's Shaving Gift Guide! This "what to buy for men" guide is for anyone that cares enough to NOT buy a dude a tie. Seriously, guys get the most boring...

Tuesday, September 29, 2020
The Best Eye Creams for the 2020-2021 Red Carpet Awards Season --- CLICK BELOW TO SEE (with popups) OR get ad-Free access at http://smarturl.it/withoutads
It's Award Season Again! But this year, we get to zoom in from home. I was at first a little skeptical on how that was going to work, but the Emmys proved to...

Thursday, September 3, 2020
No Ordinary Love --- CLICK BELOW TO SEE (with popups) OR get ad-Free access at http://smarturl.it/withoutads
Since we all seem to be stuck at home indefinitely, figured I'd sit down on the floor in front of my laptop with an acoustic guitar and start jamming out. So I...

Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Aww yeah it's Christmas PajamasTime Already! --- CLICK BELOW TO SEE (with popups) OR get ad-Free access at http://smarturl.it/withoutads
OK, so I’m sure you’re wondering why you’re looking at a picture of Becky G in her Christmas Pajamas right now. Mainly because I want to talk...

Thursday, August 13, 2020
Why Flowers Are Getting Sent this Latin Grammy Awards Season --- CLICK BELOW TO SEE (with popups) OR get ad-Free access at http://smarturl.it/withoutads
The Latin Grammy awards season is upon us, and we are still in lockdown. Especially in New York and New Jersey where a lot of hot artists and producers...

Sunday, August 9, 2020
Listen to These Songs if You Want to Get Into Latin Music --- CLICK BELOW TO SEE (with popups) OR get ad-Free access at http://smarturl.it/withoutads
FULL ARTICLE HERE: https://redcarpetblog.certaire.com/if-you-want-to-get-into-latin-music-here-are-11-latin-songs-you-must-know/

Wednesday, July 8, 2020
How Gaming Video Cards helped create Music Videos Remotely --- CLICK BELOW TO SEE (with popups) OR get ad-Free access at http://smarturl.it/withoutads
You usually don’t associate Gaming with Music Video Production, but sometimes those words are definitely used in the same sentence. This is absolutely...

Friday, July 3, 2020
Harvey Weinsten and Gwyneth Paltrow THE REAL STORY --- CLICK BELOW TO SEE (with popups) OR get ad-Free access at http://smarturl.it/withoutads
Harvey Weinsten and Gwyneth Paltrow THE REAL STORY

Wednesday, June 3, 2020
Cool Computer Monitors to be Thinking About Now --- CLICK BELOW TO SEE (with popups) OR get ad-Free access at http://smarturl.it/withoutads
Read the Full Article HERE: https://redcarpetblog.certaire.com/cool-computer-monitors-and-why-were-suddenly-thinking-about-them/

Friday, May 22, 2020
Master Movie on Amazon INTERVIEW! --- CLICK BELOW TO SEE (with popups) OR get ad-Free access at http://smarturl.it/withoutads
Master Movie on Amazon star Interview.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020
How to pay someone to write your paper or your job application or your resume for cheap --- CLICK BELOW TO SEE (with popups) OR get ad-Free access at http://smarturl.it/withoutads
NOTE: Use promo code ACTIVATE25 to get 25% off of Writing Services (yeah – including HOMEWORK), College Application Services, and Job Application Services...

Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Harvey Weinsten and Gwyneth Paltrow E True Hollywood Stories --- CLICK BELOW TO SEE (with popups) OR get ad-Free access at http://smarturl.it/withoutads
Harvey Weinsten and Gwyneth Paltrow E True Hollywood Stories

Thursday, March 19, 2020
Can clean cut white guys count as Bad Boys? What's Your Opinion? #opinion #fastandfurious9 #dating #PaulWalker #funny #comedy #podcast #Silly --- CLICK BELOW TO SEE (with popups) OR get ad-Free access at http://smarturl.it/withoutads